About Us…


We are the Giberson’s, Welcome to our Ranch, WRR!

Hi, we are Jonathan Giberson Jr. and Brittany Giberson, owners here at Wagon Rest Ranch (WRR).

Jonathan had a dream in 2017 to come back to the simple way of living, so he packed up and moved north out the the metro area and founded our amazing ranch. He had executed so many thoughts and plans into action in just 3 years time and had made a beautiful ranch and home, but there was one thing missing……someone to share it with. Late in 2020, Jonathan met Brittany, and boy were they perfect for each other. With Brittany came 2 lovely daughters, Ashlynn and Andrea.

We got married September 2021 right here on the ranch, and we became a family. Together we continue to try and grow and come up with new ideas and things to add to the ranch. in 2022 we decided to continue to grow our family, and in October we added another beautiful daughter, Alayna, to it.

We are constantly growing and that includes our family, can’t wait to see what else will happen!

Our Mission…

We believe that not enough people know where animals come from. Not just the big box stores, but from people and families that care about the animals they raise. Whether for butcher or to keep the cute little critters and pets we have, we want to help people understand sustainable farming/ranching practices and wholesome animal husbandry practices. The gap from farm to community can be a bit large somedays, but that’s why we are here to help! We want to connect people with happy animals that are happy and healthy. I love to talk to people about everything going on at the Ranch. Feel free to ask us anything!

We also try to stay involved in the community in the Lakes Area of northern Minnesota.
Jonathan has served on Motley Lions Club as president, as well as vice president from 2017 to 2019. He also sat on the board of directors for Cass County Farm Bureau and had been part of the LEAP conference for 2018 and 2019. This allowed him to go to Washington, D.C. with AFB to talk with our state representatives.

We are very proud of what we have worked for here at Wagon Rest Ranch. There have been so many people that have helped along the way and we could not have done any of this without you all. A huge thank you to our parents and many faithful friends for believing in us.

We love being able to share our animals with people who are unable to own for themselves. We regularly have visitors and guests from all over the United States.

Owners - Jonathan Giberson Jr., Brittany Giberson & Family!